Weight Loss Surgery - A Rising Trend

Are you tired of constantly combating with the heavy bulge? Are you fed up with the repeated attempts of dieting and exercising? Most experts agree that a balanced diet along with regular exercise is the optimum way of losing weight, but the customary path to weight loss doesn't work for everyone.

With obesity on its peak, many countries are evolving as growing hubs of the billion dollar global market for weight loss surgery. A large number of weight loss operations are carried out in popularity in the urban centers all across the world. Today, people are getting more and more conscious about the way they look and how the present themselves to the world. Moreover, the people who are obese do not have just the extra kilos that they need to shed out. They are usually suffering from other weight related co-morbidities too.

Smoking greatly increases the risks from surgery by astringent blood vessels and reducing blood flow. Most surgeons will carry out surgeries on people who have been non-smokers for at least a few months before the surgery. A history of drug or alcohol abuse can also increase the risk for complications and surgery failure. Obesity surgery can be performed on adults between the ages of 18 to 65 although it's becoming more common among adolescents to consider a bariatric surgery.

Undergoing an obesity surgery is an emerging trend among youngsters nowadays. They look at it as a shortcut for losing weight. Moreover, people don't mind paying up, hoping that they will look slim and trim after the surgery. However, a surgery should be considered as an option only if non surgical and natural dieting methods fail.
 An increasing number of high profile politicians, Bollywood actors and actresses and even business tycoons are opting for this procedure as they can afford it. Patients usually lose approximately 36% to 90% of their excess body fat in six months to two years of undergoing such surgeries. Bariatric surgery has proven a reduction in the rate of mortality from 40 percent to 23 percent.

In medical language, obesity is considered as a 'killer lifestyle' disease. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.2 billion people worldwide are recorded as overweight.

It is important to consult a bariatric surgeon before being a part of this growing fad. It is not just about looking good. There are a number of post surgical restrictions to be considered. If you are unable to follow them properly then it may to lead to weight regain and other complications.

Undergoing a weight loss surgery is a growing fad amongst youngsters today. The article above highlights the importance of consulting a good bariatric surgeon before making this decision.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Seenath_Kumar

weight loss motivation pictures

 dear readers here are some pictures to motivate you to lose weight

 weight loss motivation pictures: 1
weight loss motivation pictures

 weight loss motivation pictures : 2

weight loss motivation pictures

weight loss motivation pictures:3 

weight loss motivation pictures

Fifteen Killer Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

Weight loss doesn't have to be such a torture. You don't need to subject yourself to surgical operations or take shady medication just so your health will improve. Like so many things in life, there is a method to weight loss that is relatively easy and natural. Although you may not see results as drastic, at least you won't suffer complications and side-effects while trying to lose weight. Here's a rundown of the natural ways to lose weight:

1. Drink lots of water 

- drinking water before meals and taking several sips together with your meal can help make you feel full faster. This means you won't eat as much. Drinking water between meals helps keep hunger at bay, and helps flush out toxins from your body.

2. Set aside a splurge day for yourself 

- The reason why most weight loss programs don't work is because people give up when they feel deprived. There is no reason to deprive yourself of food that you want, as long as you set a schedule for it. For example, you can tell yourself that during Saturday, you can eat whatever you want for lunch. This way, you won't feel depressed that you're missing out on so much.

Successful Tips About How Can I Lose Belly Fat?

"How Can I Lose Belly Fat?" is one question that is usually frequently being asked by many individuals. If you are among such persons' asking this question or if you're interested in knowing about some of the effective techniques on how you can eradicate belly fat, then this write up is for you.

Stomach fat is one body part that usually makes most individuals conscious. Hence, it's not uncommon to see a lot of individuals wanting to eradicate the extra fat on that specific area.
Belly fat, also known as pot belly, stomach fat or visceral fat, is the type of fat which is usually found deeper in an individuals' body compared to the subcutaneous fat that is just located under the skin.

Stomach fat is particularly dangerous due to the fact that it usually collects around the various organs around the abdomen area. It is thus ideal that in case you've got it, you eradicate it with immediate effects. Let's now look at the various tips on how to eradicate belly fat.

Tips on How to Eradicate Belly Fat

The following are some of the tips on how to eradicate stomach fat on your body. They include;

Omega Diet

Omega-3 health benefits are big, and could be the key to fast, long-lasting fat loss! The phrase 'eating fat makes you fat' is so old hat now that it's somewhat embarrassing to recall that dietitians, nutritionists, the World Health Organization and a host of other experts once deemed fat to be everything that was bad for our health. Now we know that quite the opposite is true: we need 'good' fats to stay in shape, and omega-3 essential fatty acids in particular are one of the biggest secrets to permanent fat loss.

-They aid fat loss by increasing our metabolic rate and energy production, which is exactly the opposite of what happens when we cut calories. And thanks to our increased energy levels, we are more likely to be active and build muscle, which further increases metabolic rate, helping to make our fat loss for keeps. They also taste great, make us feel fuller for longer, help to balance blood sugar levels, improve our mood and contribute to great skin, hair and nails.

-Omega-3 helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It's vital that the body is responsive to insulin. This hormone makes sure we get enough energy from carbohydrates, and enough amino acids from protein to build muscle and minimize fat storage. Insulin receptors are found in cell membranes, the protective outer coating that controls what enters and exits a cell. When we add omega-3 fatty acids to our diet, the membranes becomes more flexible, so the insulin receptors become more responsive. This helps them to level out the blood sugar highs and lows that can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

-Omega-3 are involved in 'fuel partitioning', which controls the way the body uses different 'fuels'. Omega-3 help to drive more of the sugars found in carbohydrates into muscle cells, which they are temporarily stored in the form of glycogen, which is used when we need quick energy. But when glycogen stores run out, fat cells are forced to give up their energy stores, and shrink in the process. Simultaneously, omega-3 stimulate thermo genesis (heat production), which helps prevent fat being deposited in cells, and increase fat oxidation (burning).

-It is important to remember that our species is programmed to survive, and this involves storing energy as fat. An efficient energy source, fat provides 9kcals of energy per gram, whereas carbohydrates and protein only provide 4kcals. Storing fat was vital to our ancestors as an insurance against times of starvation, so the body stored as much as possible when food was available, and the metabolic rate slowed down to preserve energy stores when food was scarce. This process has been referred to as catch-up fat storage after calorie restriction.

-Food is now plentiful and many of us eat what we want, when we want, and this catch-up fat storage has become the enemy in the fat-loss game. The body stores energy as fat for lean times ahead, totally unaware that these are unlikely to occur. This is why very low-calorie diets invariably result in short term weight loss followed by weight again. The catch-up fat storage shifts into top gear!

If you want super fast weight loss and healthy diet! Go to: http://fatlossandmuscles.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Goce_Garvanski

Losing Weight, For Good

Losing weight is not that hard. Most of us are able to do it, and do it often. The problem is that usually, that weight comes back.

The reason behind this is because we change our lifestyle to lose weight, but when we do lose it, we go straight back to living like we did when we were fat, and we gain all the weight back, with worst interest than one offered from a loanshark.

None of these work long term

So, we have all these bright ideas on how to lose weight, from eat only carbs to don't eat carbs, from eat a breakfast every day to never eat a breakfast, from eat multiple small meals per day to eat only once a day.

Man, where do these "experts" get off? Yeah, you will lose weight, of course. You will because it all works short term. But, if you stopped eating carbs or ate only carbs for a year, I imagine you would be sick.

The solution is... 

The solution to losing weight forever is fairly simple, yet most people don't do it for one reason or another.

Basically, all you need to lose weight is to eat less, but still a moderate amount of healthy food, and workout more.

After you lose weight, keep doing what you were doing to lose it! Common sense, right?

All the help you need

You really just need to stick to a natural, healthy program. Eat quality foods, eat enough but not too much, take a walk each day or hit the gym, that's it.

But, in order to stay motivated you may benefit from outside help. You can use your spouse or friends to nudge you in the right direction when you need it, or undergo hypnosis or use the power of positive affirmations.

All of that helps you stay mentally strong and focused, so you don't slip up. Once you do, it is way too easy to go back to the old lifestyle that you "ran" away from in the first place.


I love to use hypnosis to help keep me motivated. It is a natural way of aligning my subconscious thoughts with my conscious desires. And, it presents a great way to relax, too.
What hypnosis does is help me relax and enter a "hypnotic" state, which basically means that I am completely relaxed and focused.

Then, it would offer me suggestions which I would accept much more easily than if I was tense and nervous. And that's it.

No matter what help you use to stay consistent with your goal, I advise you to take a natural approach and alter your lifestyle slightly so the weight loss becomes permanent.

Christopher Montrose has taken advantage of Hypnosis in his own life. 

Give it a try for yourself with 3 full FREE albums from us here at natural hypnosis:
http://www.naturalhypnosis.com/free-hypnosis or download a special hypnosis for weight loss album.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Montrose

Adding In More RAW Foods and Herbs For Weight Loss and More Energy

I think the more connected we are to raw live foods and connected physically to the earth, the more we can hear the universe/God. God is good. Life is good.
  • "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29 (NIV)
  • "And the Lord God commanded the man saying: of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat... (Genesis 2: 16)
  • thou shalt eat the herbs of the field. "(Genesis 3: 18)
Processed foods and cooked food are dead. (They LACK nutrients. They put us in LACK).
They certainly put me in lack. I was eating healthier than most people but I lacked the vitamins & minerals my body needed. I was gaining weight but I was starving myself of the nutrients my body needed.

I was taking a lot of expensive supplements that are better than most of the supplements people take but I still wasn't absorbing them.

My doctor ran tests and kept adding in more supplements. But they really were not working.
I changed to more absorbable supplements which helped but to continue on my journey to health  I had to make another change.

That change was to eat more organic raw vegetables and herbs. The herbs are in supplement form but are still raw. My body can recognize them and absorbed them. I also limit my sugar and fruits.

"An herb as a natural substance provides healing, but it also provides a spiritual message.The Spiritual Properties of Herbs, by Gurudas
This may be a new idea for many of us, but other cultures have been using them for thousands of years. In the Amazon, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

The food we eat affects our thoughts, feelings & actions.

"The idea that each food, as a particular energy, affects us on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level is a new idea for many people in our industrial civilization. " Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens Md:

So here is the cool thing. As I have been upgrading my food and supplements, I have been losing weight.

I actually gained weight while I was taking supplements that didn't work for my body. I got up to my highest weight ever while taking supplements and protein drinks that were not raw.
Since 2009 I have lost 70 pounds. In the last 6 months I lost 12 pounds.

It is slow & steady weight loss. And I am getting healthier and I have more energy.
Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.

For more articles, tips and business advice, check out her website at:
Stay connected and subscribe to her free Ezine on her website today at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bernice_Templeman

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