Eat Your Breakfast!

Breakfast For Champions

Another Monday is upon us and it's time to get ready for work. Perhaps you woke up late so now you are thinking about skipping on breakfast! Stop, rewind and reconsider. This is a mistake! Don't do it! Before you do another thing, let me share some information with you that will INSPIRE you to do better and eat your breakfast in the morning! In this post, you are going to learn about what the body does when you skip the most important meal of the day. You will learn why it's best to turn yourself into a grazer and eat small meals throughout the day and you will learn that by making small adjustments you too can get back to your ideal body weight!

I remember back in my grandparents day, hearing stories about the great depression. Back then because times were so tough, they would save and store as much as they could because they did not know if the money or food would be there in abundance in the future, so the best thing to do back then was to save and store. Well that was just fine back then for there was a purpose for storing and saving! When it comes to your health and nutrition, however, we don't want to take the same approach as our grandparents did in the depression! No, instead, when it comes to living a happy well balanced healthy lifestyle, we must do what we can so the body does not store and save the food we eat. That is why we MUST eat our breakfast!

Did you know, that people who eat a balanced meal consisting of whole foods, fruits and vegetables, tended to weigh less than people who skipped out on breakfast in the morning? Yes, this is true. You are typically going to weigh more and have a harder time keeping the weight off if you skip on breakfast, rather than having a nice balanced meal in the morning and eating smaller meals more often throughout the day!

Here's the reason why. Have you ever tried to take a trip across the country on a quarter tank of gas? Of course not, you know that you would never make it! The same can be said about your body. The body performs much better when it is supplied with the right fuel. When you skip on breakfast, your body goes into a hibernation mode, and when you do eat, it will store the food instead of use it as fuel. You will notice that people who skip meals usually complain about gaining weight and then getting depressed about it and allowing the vicious cycle to continue for the rest of their lives! Conversely, when you are eating a sensible breakfast, you are turning on the fuel burning metabolism and beginning to use the food you eat for it's intended purpose...fuel! Personally speaking, I found that juicing is an easy way to increase my fruit and veggie intake!

The good news is you can stop the vicious cycle, and by making small attainable adjustments, you too can get back to the body you see in your head! In closing, let me leave you with the tips you can use right now so you can get back to your ideal you!
Well that is all for today! If you have any questions about getting on the road to health please let us know what you are thinking! We want to hear from you!
My purpose in life is to: Impact, Inspire, and Improve the lives of Others!
I am enjoying the path of purpose I am on and I look forward to helping others reach their best self!
We all have a purpose in life, so what is yours?
It's not about me, it's about the purpose of M.E.
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